Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Rishi Devra



Below is the header of a posting on Patton West’s website which purports to offer employment opportunities.  This is a lie.  This is a trap.  Those taking up these ‘offers’ of employment for wages Patton West cannot afford to pay, will soon find themselves in deep, deep trouble!

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,
Above: Con artist and violent convicted criminal Patton West in classic ‘prayer’ position, which coming from a card carrying Satanist and suspected serial killer is a bit rich.  Her mission does not mention the fact that she was chased out of New Mexico and Montana, leaving behind 28 years of racketeering and scores of victims of theft, fraud, extortion and violent assaults.

However, if Patton West follows the same playbook in Arizona as she did in Montana, the wages will not be a problem because those duped into taking up her ‘employment’ offers will be asked to take a pay cut of 20% on day one and will be told that the health insurance promised is no longer available.  Then will commence 90 days of brainwashing and conditioning, intended to make the ‘employee’ a no paid or low paid slave.  If the brainwashing succeeds, then the victim has a ‘lifelong’ position during which they will be bullied and abused into giving up their friends outside the cult, and every penny in their bank account will end up being taken from them as ‘donations’ to fund the lavish lifestyle of the Master Liar.
If the brainwashing fails, then the victim will be fired before the 90 day period arrives so that Patton West does not have to pay employment insurance. 

Before we look at a couple of the ‘career opportunities’ she is offering in Arizona, let us review what happened to those who took up similar positions in Montana a decade or so ago.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: The same approach currently being used in Arizona was used to good effect by Patton West in Montana a decade or so ago.  This resulted in scores of victims of theft, fraud, extortion, the murder of a student and one attempted murder of a ‘Business Manager’ who after being defrauded went public about Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang.


To view the entire Montana list of ‘jobs for a lifetime’ go here

Patton West is an Occult Master.  Occult means hidden.  The knowledge she acquired while studying at the Robert Jaffe School for Energy Master between 1990 & 1991, enabled this small time con artist, bankrupt and drug dealer to leverage her criminality by targeting individuals with a hidden weapon that the authorities do not recognize as a weapon.  This secret occult weapon combined with copious lies and propaganda, all protected under ‘religious freedom’ laws allows her to prey on the public, wealthy spiritual seekers and terminally ill cancer patients to whom she offers ‘divine grace healings’ for six figure sums.  However, to fund her exorbitant lavish lifestyle, that involves servants, cooks, diets and an extensive wardrobe full of Greek Goddess outfits, she needs a steady supply of small fry to keep her going between landing the big fish via $500,000 fees for fake healings.  This is why she preys on ordinary folk looking for employment.

Before analyzing some of the current career opportunities she is offering in Sedona, let us take a look at how these same career opportunities worked out for those victims who were duped into taking up employment opportunities in Montana.

Healing Spa Development & Management PositionThis ‘Employee’ was a Victim of Multiple Violent Assaults and had $1.3 million extorted from her by Patton West then calling herself ‘Surya Ma.’ 

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

The above position was taken up by Dr. Pat Cole MD.  Cole was / is allegedly a Whirlpool heiress.  Dr. Cole MD became the victim of a campaign of premeditated violence at the hands of Patton West, whose objective was to force Cole into ‘donating’ her entire net worth to Patton West.  Below is how the victim, Cole, described the assault to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper.

"She has told me that she has the 'spiritual' power and authority to 'take me out,' to be composted," Cole wrote in the temporary restraining order statement.  Cole claims West threw a lamp at her and hit her with a briefcase, cell phone and her hand.  "She took off her shoe and hit me on the top of my head, causing my scalp to bleed onto my face, neck and clothes," Cole's statement reads. "She threatened to kill me with a gun to my head, 'blowing my brains out,' and advised me to commit suicide by slitting my wrists, after I'd taken out an insurance policy on myself."  Photos taken after the alleged beating were submitted to the sheriff's office.


Immediately after the above assault, Patton West wrote to her entire mailing list with a missive entitled, ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification,’ within which she asserted that the victim Dr. Cole MD was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime!  Patton West, a dangerous psychopath, went on to explain that the beating she meted to Cole, though severe, was at all times administered with grace.  Documentary evidence given to authorities revealed that another employee, Carlida Finch, had overheard Patton West discussing the murder of Dr. Cole MD.  Below is an excerpt from her statement.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


To read Carlida’s statement to the authorities in full go here.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Office ManagerThis ‘Employee’ was a Victim of Mental & Physical Abuse, Illegal Employment Practices and 24/7 Occult ‘Under the Radar’ Violent Intimidation by Patton West.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

The above position was taken up by Rebecca West. Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West) was a friend of Dr. Pat Cole’s and a witness to Patton West’s multiple assaults on Dr. Cole MD.  The following excerpt from a harrowing email sent to the whistleblower, John Watson, perfectly illustrates Patton West’s criminal business model and her utter contempt for the law which includes those laws intended to protect employees from physical and mental abuse.  I have highlighted in yellow, the sentence that affirms Patton West’s ‘revolving door’ policy to employees, with most travelling from all parts of the USA for employment only to be fired within 90 days or resigned to be Patton West’s house slaves.  I have highlighted in blue, Rebecca’s reference to shamanic witchcraft which Patton West bragged in a statement to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper she was trained in.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Rebecca West <>
To: John Watson <>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 3:02:50 PM
Subject: RE: Help me w/ Devra Patton West

Dear John,

After more than 30 employees coming and going, (16 just since I started May 1, 2006, not counting myself, current employees or contract labor), there are currently three employees remaining.  Two of the three are very much in her control due to fear and/or ignorance and have proven to me, I cannot trust them. I have been trying to get the monies she owes me before I end my contact with her, specifically a missing paycheck, overtime, overdraft charges and (wishful thinking) the bonus she promised me for the hundreds of hours of overtime I incurred. She sent her intimidating demand of me through her finance controller last evening, and I have until 5 p.m. today to talk to her. I must return and either give a 2-week notice and/or plan to be demoted from office manager to some other lowly position, (seems from historical accounting, I would become her personal care assistant).  

I will not return and subject myself to her violent and abusive behavior! I continue to awaken from a sound sleep (on many occasions) at 3:00 a.m. and last night being one of those nights in which I have the feeling of impending doom, and is the reason I finally really took a look at your website and contacted you.  I need support in how to deal with her shamanic witchcraft.  Can you tell me more? I have handed over many of the statements made by former employees of which are mostly already posted on your website to Dr. Cole in an effort to assist her.  Dr. Cole was severely beaten on several occasions and proof is available.  With all my heart, I hope and pray, the law firm that is currently reviewing her documents will help Dr. Cole recover her losses and/or dignity, as she has no money left after Devra extorted more than $700,000 from her.  

To read the rest of this email and others sent by Rebecca West, go here and here.  To read the email sent by John Mark Young to the police go here.  Patton West’s use of occult hidden knowledge is her secret weapon and the source of her control over others.  She uses this knowledge to facilitate crimes and afterwards to dissuade victims and witnesses into going public, to the police or to law for restitution.  In spite of Patton West’s efforts over a two year period to force Dr. Pat Cole and hostile witnesses into recanting their statements to the police and the courts, Patton West was convicted of the assault on Cole and fined $500 and given a 6 month suspended jail sentence. 

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Devra Patton West an occult master and suspected serial killer.  A narcissist who wants us to believe that she’s a planetary regent who has been preparing for thousands of years to lead humanity through these difficult times.

Patton West’s violent ‘under the radar’ assaults on Cole and hostile witnesses did not cease for many months after she was found guilty.  A testament to the fact that the authorities are totally impotent against a criminal as vile despicable and evil as Patton West.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Now let us look at a couple of the ‘career opportunities’ she is currently offering in Arizona.


Business ManagerSeveral Victims became her ‘Business Manager’ in Montana.  The most famous was John Watson, who later turned whistle-blower about Patton West and her cult / criminal racketeering business model. 

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

The above position was taken up by John Watson.  Watson was hired as a business consultant between January 2002 & August 2002.  Watson was defrauded by Patton West in 2002, and after going to law, became the subject of dirty tricks which included false witness statements produced by her cult members, written threats (see below), a murder plot in 2007.   A newspaper article published by the Ravalli Republic newspaper details John Watson’s win in court against Patton West in 2008, after a judge decided that Watson had been defrauded by Patton West.  Below is an excerpt from that newspaper article.  You can read the entire article by going here.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

To read details of the judgment given by the court go here.  To read details of the award given to Watson go here.  After the 2007 murder plot failed, and with Watson’s website up sharing thousands of incriminating documents showing Patton West to be a career criminal, Patton West’s business model was ‘dead in the water’ in Montana.  In 2010, Patton West with the help of senior cult members Williams & Reynolds, mounted a criminal conspiracy against Watson whose objective was to extort $10,000,000 from Watson in an attempt to bankrupt and silence him from sharing what he knew on the internet.  Additionally, a campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ violent intimidation was launched by Patton West against Watson and his family in December 2006, which continues to this day in 2019, thirteen years later. 

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Executive AssistantSeveral people filled this or similar positions in Montana.  We provide evidence from four below here.  Without exception, every single one of them was psychologically abused, forced to pay Patton West’s personal bills with their credit cards, wages often went unpaid, and they were each privy to her lies and contempt towards those who ‘donated’ money to her.  

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

AJ White – Executive Assistant – Ms. White was witness to one employee being partially scalped after challenging Patton West about the theft of an $80,000 donation from her charity so she could pay her porn loving, wife beating son’s legal fees.  Below is an excerpt from a witness statement she gave the whistleblower John Watson.

I soon realized that the position of Director was in name only.  All decisions were made by Devra.  There was no possibility of handling the personnel issues within the office, as Devra would countermand any or all of my decisions.  I was denied signatory on the checking account and access to financial statements.  The controls of all the monies were in the hands of Devra and Jack West.  When people approached me wanting to know where the donations they had made went, there was no trail.  When I insisted on having this information, like monthly financial reports, I couldn’t get them and my investigating caused angst within the office. 

Her outbursts and tirades existed both within spiritual sessions and at those who worked for her.  I personally only experienced the verbal abuse and the screaming over the phone was so intense that I told her that I would not speak to her until she got in control of herself.  In late July 2001, while I was on a business trip to Denver, Susanna Felder, a committed assistant for over 9 years and editor of Devra’s writing, called me.  She called me in severe distress as she had gotten into a heated discussion with Devra on whether or not I should be put on the BOD – there was no Foundation BOD at that time.  Devra became so incensed that she attacked her and ripped clumps of hair out of Susanna’s head. This was severe abuse and ultimately led to Susanna leaving DU within the month.  I returned to the office several days later and the first thing I did was to address this abuse in a staff meeting with Susanna in attendance.  Jack West, who was present at the event, categorically denied it happened while Anandra accused Susanna of causing the problem.  This collaborative deception was so shocking that I resigned, effective immediately.  The cover-up was endemic and serious abuse issues were lied about and swept under the rug.  The lack of integrity by Devra, her impropriety around money and her physical and verbal abuse of individuals were the reasons for my leaving.

You can read AJ White’s statement in full by going here.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Tanya Hurley Tanya Hurley got to be close up and personal with Patton West and was convinced that she was mentally ill.  There is a long history of mental illness in Patton West’s family, with her brother being a resident of a mental institution.

Below is an excerpt from a statement that Tanya Hurley gave to John Watson for use in his lawsuit against Patton West.


John Watson has asked me to give an honest and accurate account of my experience with Devra West per my employment with Divine Unity from 04-2002-03-2003.  If I wrote everything down that I experienced and witnessed while employed by Mrs. West, I would have a very long book.  So I will just list the facts as follows.....


I grew up in Darby and have worked and lived in the Hamilton area for the better part of my 42 yrs.  I answered an Ad in the Ravalli Republic, interviewed and was hired by Mrs. West.  The Ad stated, busy professional woman hiring Personal Assistant.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  She hired me at $10 per hour and raised me to $12 within a month.  Good wages for a woman in the Bitterroot.  I was single and raising 2 children, so it was not easy to walk away from that kind of financial security.  I was so exhausted and stressed out from working insane hours, dealing on a daily basis with her demands and outbursts it started to SEVERELY affect me both mentally and physically.  I was never physically abused by Mrs. West, but as we all know there are many forms of abuse. I was told by other employees that physical abuse was exacted on others before and after my employment.


In closing, it is my opinion that Mrs. West is mentally ill and is a danger to herself and others    I was very damaged from my involvement with Mrs. West, physically, mentally and spiritually.  I don't want to keep silent and allow it to happen to someone else.



Tanya C. Hurley


You can read Tanya’s statement in full by going here.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Dianne Stoner – Executive & Personal Assistant.  Dianne personally experienced a pay cut on day one, Patton West’s contempt for those who gave her money, Patton West’s mental illness and demanding money, Patton West using employee’s money to pay her bills and witnessed the cruelty administered by Patton West towards her employees on a daily basis. 


Below are excerpts from a lengthy audio statement given by Dianne Stoner to John Watson to use in his lawsuit against Patton West, but also to let the public know to stay away.


DS on being hired and pay decrease on first day!

DS on West wanting all the money for herself!

DS on wherever the rich are, that is where Devra will go!

DS on West's contempt for people who gave her money!

DS on West the con artist!

DS on West's mental illness and demanding money!

DS on West should be shut down - she is stealing people's money!

DS on West constantly shopping and spending $2K of charity's money to buy pearl necklace!

DS on swapping West's dry cleaning for her last pay check!

DS on West using employee’s personal money to pay for bills!


Kathleen Francisco – Executive Personal Assistant.  Kathleen can attest to Patton West financial fraud, getting $500K for a ‘divine grace healing,’ paying staff with ‘rubber’ checks, her rages and excessive drinking, pressuring staff to join her cult and generally sucking the life out of employees.


Below are excerpts from a lengthy audio statement given by Kathleen Francisco to John Watson to use in his lawsuit against Patton West, but also to let the public know what this dangerous psychopath is really like.


KF on checks bouncing and West's expensive lifestyle

KF on West's financial impropriety

KF on West the financial 'tricks' up her sleeve!

KF Pressure on staff to join cult!

KF on propping up West with her own money and being asked to 'leave her children!'

KF on Ms. West 'bringing $500K for herself not the charity - spending binge!

KF on Ms. West paying her masseuse with 'rubber checks!'

KF on West's mental health!

KF on dreading going to work and nightmares!

KF on West's rages and excessive drinking

KF on West's alcohol problem!

KF on West's belief that she is God & Christ!

KF on the lies about health benefits etc.

KF on West's cult and the mind conditioning!

KF on West sucking the life out of employees!

DS & KF on shredding documents and the deceit


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Since 1991, Devra Patton West has been committing crime on an industrial basis against students to her non-accredited school (Hogwarts), employees and business consultants.


Above: The evidence against Patton West for racketeering is overwhelming (less so for multiple murders given the nature of the weapon used).  However, believing that law enforcement agencies are impotent against her and that she can convince the public that her lies are their truth, she continues to portray herself as ‘divine being’ and deny even the most well documented crimes.


Below from her ‘World Service’ efforts in Montana between 1995 & 2005, when she operated out of Victor MT as the Ascended Master Devra Ji.


    1. A J White – Charity Board Member and witness to fraud.
    2. The whistleblower – Consultant defrauded out of wages and shares.
    3. Barbara Costantino – Personal Secretary and witness to Devra West’s attempts at ‘rewriting’ history so as to blame each victim expelled from the cult.
    4. Tania Hurley – House keeper who was convinced that Devra West was / is insane.
    5. Kathleen Francisco – Assistant house keeper and witness to Devra West’s criminality.
    6. Diane Stoner – Personal secretary and witness to Devra West’s criminality.
    7. Kendall Strnad – Devra West’s daughter in law and the victim of occult attacks.
    8. Jamie Haywood – Devra West’s daughter in law and the victim of occult attacks.
    9. Carlida Finch – Employee given the option to join the cult or be fired and witness to Devra West’s plan to murder Dr. Pat Cole MD.
    10. Debra Coffey – Assistant Teacher and witness to the mental and physical abuse meted out by Devra West towards students targeted for extortion.
    11. Ingrid Smith – Teacher and witness to cruelty meted out to amongst others her 6 year old son.
    12. Rebekah Edminster – Teacher witness to cruelty towards students and employees by Devra West.
    13. Judy Morris – Student that alleges that many students were pressured into taking take out loans to give money to Devra West apparently being told that the more money they gave the closer to God they would be!
    14. Elaine – Student who speaks to the $250,000 emerald necklace she saw Devra West wearing and the fact that she believes that she has millions stashed away.
    15. Susannah Felder – Employee partially scalped after being assaulted by Devra West.
    16. Beatrice McGuire – Student who had her ear partially ripped off for challenging Devra West’s lies in public.
    17. Anandra George – Student repeatedly physically abused and forced to write false statements about the whistleblower that Devra West intended to use in court.
    18. Lisa Swidler – Student / Teacher probably murdered by Devra West to keep her quiet about two serious crimes she witnessed against other students.
    19. Mike Hendrickson – Student defrauded out of $200,000 by Devra West when the overdraft he guaranteed at the charity’s bank was emptied into a personal trust fund for Devra West and her eldest son Rob Meador.
    20. Dave Kushner – Student defrauded out of $30,000.
    21. Joseph Costantino – defrauded out of $20,000 in wages; after fighting Devra West at tribunal agreed to settle at 50 cents on the dollar.
    22.  Marion Cantwell – Student kidnapped, held captive and beaten until she agreed to give up part of the sale proceeds of her house (tens of thousands of dollars?) to Devra West as a ‘donation.’ Lakeside MT calling herself ‘Surya Ma’ 2005 to 2011.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Below from her ‘World Service’ efforts in Montana between 1995 & 2005, when she operated out of Victor MT as the Ascended Master Devra Ji.


Above: The occult thief, suspected serial killer Devra Patton West, smirking as she might well do having sat at the head of a criminal racketeering gang for 27 years that has operated in three western states.  Dr. Julio Williams MD is well aware of her rap sheet but below, just a small reminder of what he appears to have forgotten or chooses to ignore!


  1. Arrest Warrant for Criminal Check Fraud.
  2. Conviction for Assaulting Dr. Cole MD & News Article announcing same.
  3. Becoming the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court judgments and interest.
  4. Whistleblower’s judgment against Devra West for fraud.
  5. Defendant in fraud case brought by Larry Brazda and others.
  6. Defendant in fraud case brought by ‘Top to Bottom’ Construction.
  7. Vicious Assaults on female members of her cult i.e. Susannah Felder & Beatrice McGuire, Jamie Haywood and Dr. Pat Cole MD.
  8. The Students who took out loans for Devra west after being told, “They would be closer to God.”
  9. West’s son’s criminal record.  Like mother like son?
  10. Arrest Warrant for felony theft.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Below are two images that depict Patton West’s criminal business model.


Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, 

Above:  Patton West moves from state to state (NM, MT and now AZ) where she declares herself to be a divine being that has been preparing to lead humanity for thousands of years (gag)!  She forms a personality cult around herself based on lies and propaganda, and then forces the members of her cult to fundraise for her or hand over their wealth to her as ‘donations.’


A review of the Bigfork Eagle newspaper published in Montana on August 9 2007, reveals that out of six businesses Patton West registered in Montana at that time, nearly all were either involuntarily revoked or involuntarily dissolved which was also the case for ‘The Circle of Divine Unity’ which was struck off the Montana charity register after it was found that Patton West and her then husband, Jack West, were looting public donations intended for the good causes she espoused while fundraising.  A better, more direct illustration of her business model is given below.


Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra,

Above:  Whether hired to fill fake / non-existent career opportunities or recruited as students to her non-accredited school for occult studies, the outcome is the same.  Brainwashing and conditioning to submit the Master Abuser’s will as a prelude to being robbed, defrauded, the victim of extortion and in many cases the subject of mental and physical abuse.


There are three reasons why Patton West has not been jailed for the huge number of crimes she has committed against score of victims over the past 28 years.  1.  Her lies and propaganda are allowed under ‘religious freedom’ laws even if it is obvious that the motive is fraud and organized crime.  2.  The weapon she uses to facilitate crime (including murder) is not recognized as a weapon under legal statute.  3.  She recruits low life scum like Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, and brainwashed and conditioned 20 year disciples like Dr. Julio Williams MD as ‘foot soldiers’ which she then deploys against her enemies.


1. DEVRA PATTON WEST – MASTER LIAR.  Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model has been tried and tested over 28 years since she declared herself to be an Ascended Master in 1991.  Under ‘religious freedom’ laws she is allowed to get away with obvious lies and propaganda, even if the obvious motive is theft, fraud and extortion i.e. racketeering and organized crime.  


Most of the named victims listed above were ‘employees’ who took up career opportunities in Montana, just like the ones being advertised now in Sedona.  When Patton West appeared in court in July 2007, as a witness for her son in a child custody case, she was asked about the whistleblower’s website which featured scores of complaints from past employees many of whom are listed above.  The reader should review the transcript of the court hearing as it reveals much about Patton West’s sordid home life and would put to rest once and for all, any notion that this women is ‘spiritual’ in any sense of the word.  To read the transcript go here to Part 1 and here to Part 2 and here to Part 3.


When counsel told Patton West that the website was referring to her wasn’t it?  Patton West answered “Yes, but the employees and victims are all fabricated and many are fictitious!”  (See Page 24 of the transcript.)  As you can see from the documents linked to the above, the individuals are neither fabricated nor fictitious.  When asked whether she assaulted Dr. Pat Cole MD, Patton West replied “Absolutely not, no way no how”.  (See Page 29 of the transcript.) This in spite of admitting the assault in the missive she sent out to her entire mailing list!  She was also asked are her business interests were worth billions of dollars and she replied yes.  (See Page 10 of the transcript.)  This, in spite of the fact that only three weeks later, the Bigfork Eagle newspaper published a story about Patton West’s criminality that revealed she had a lien posted against her for  $2,287 in unpaid employment insurance!  Outside the court, Patton West claims that the two fake doctorates she touts were given to her by the Christ in person.  And that she is single handedly holding open the gates of time!


2. DEVRA PATTON WEST – OCCULT THIEF / SUSPECTED SERIAL KILLER.   When the whistle-blower John Watson was first hired as a ‘Business Manager’ in 2002, he was told by Patton West’s then husband, Jack West that those who opposed his wife had a habit of dying suddenly.  Subsequent events proved him right.


Lisa Swidler murdered in 20025.  In 2005, a senior student of Patton West’s by the name of Lisa Swidler, witnessed Patton West commit two very serious crimes against two of her other students.  Dave Kushner was defrauded out of $30,000 and Marion Cantwell was kidnapped, falsely imprisoned, beaten and only released after agreeing to hand over tens of thousands of dollars from the sale of her home.  Upon release, Patton West told Marion that if she went to the police she would be murdered.  Shortly after these two crimes, both committed in 2005, Lisa Swidler escaped from the cult and very shortly afterwards, died quickly and under very suspicious circumstances.  The coroner ruled she died of internal bleeding.  Unaware of Patton West’s use of occult knowledge to murder Lisa Swidler, what other ruling could he be expected to give?  


Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, 

Above from left to right:  Lisa Swidler murdered by Devra West in 2005.  Marion Cantwell kidnapped, falsey imprisoned, the subject of extortion, was told she would be murdered if she went to the police.  Dr. Pat Cole MD slated for murder, an employee overheard West planning her murder, but spared after paying West $1.3 million.  John Watson defrauded by West like so many before and since.  Went public to the newspapers and became the subject of a failed murder attaempt by West in 2007.


John Watson attempted murder in 2007.  When fraud victim John Watson turned whistleblower about the many crimes being committed by Patton West in Montana, Patton West attempted to murder Watson in 2007 to silence him.  Below is a link to a bulletin that explains how Patton West, using occult knowledge, is able to murder victims remotely and with plausible deniability, even though the deceased were at odds with Patton West.  The following link explains how she does it.


Two Black Magicians Masquerading as Healers – One Arrested and One Hopefully Under Investigation.


Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Ascended Masters,

Above: Because Patton West has gotten away with a 28 year career of organized crime, which doubtless includes multiple murders, she believes this makes her a deity, a planetary regent and she dresses accordingly.  She is quite insane.


Patton West wanted to murder Watson to avenge his win in court against her for defrauding him.  However, and more importantly, after his websites went up in 2006 and three articles were published in 2007 by the Whitefish Pilot, Bigfork Eagle and Ravalli Republic newspaper, Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model was dead in the water in Montana.  People tend not to walk into a trap if they know it is there so it was imperative that Patton West silence Watson either by murdering him or, when that failed, bankrupting.  After the murder plot failed, Patton West mobilized senior cult members Williams & Reynolds to join her in a campaign to bankrupt Watson.  The result was that Watson’s websites were forced off the internet allowing Patton West to reincarnate in Arizona, where she is currently operating as the planetary regent!




In the example below, I illustrate how Patton West orchestrated the actions of senior cult members Williams & Reynolds in her vendetta against John Watson whom she defrauded in 2002.  In March 2003, Watson announced that he was going to sue Patton West for defrauding him at which point, Patton West demanded a private meeting with Watson.  Fearing some trick or stunt, Watson decided to record the meeting with a digital tape recorder.  You can listen to the entire interview by going here.  Below are important excerpts from that meeting.


Rishi Devra, Divine Mother, Devra Patton West,

1.  Devra West refers to John Watson as ‘Prince Charming.’

2.  West agrees she has defrauded John Watson but does not see herself paying him!

3.  West acknowledges that she is a control freak and admits to disposing of people like used Kleenex.

4.  John Watson advises that she will not do the same to him.

5.  West goes berserk and in an expletive laden tirade accuses the whistleblower of exploiting her vulnerability!  This behavior proves beyond doubt that Devra West is criminally insane.  

6.  West says that if Watson sues her she’ll get so f*cking down and dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers because Williams will pay her legal fees.

7. West says she feels stabbed in the back and f*cked up the arse by Watson’s insistence that West pay her the $50,000 she owes him.  West has an emotional melt down and leaves in hysterics!

8. The truth does not matter (if she can convince the public that her lies are their truth).



There are three excerpts that demonstrate beyond any doubt that Patton West is either criminally insane or so sure of herself that she will not be held to account for her crimes.  In excerpt (2.) above, Patton West agrees that she has defrauded Watson but does not see herself writing out a check for him.  In excerpt (8.) Patton West states that the truth does not matter if she can persuade the public that her lies are their truth.  Something Patton West has been doing for 28 years.  My favorite is excerpt (6.) where Patton West states that if Watson sues her she’ll get so f*cking down and dirty, huge expenses coming out of his pocket but not hers, because wealthy cult members will pay for her costs.  Well, Watson was not deterred and proceeded with his lawsuit and in December 2006. When it looked like Watson was going to win his lawsuit, Patton West launched a campaign of occult violence against Watson, his wife and children which continues unabated to this day.



Dr. Julio Williams, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, Devra Patton West,

Above from left to right: John Watson a victim of fraud, a failed murder attempt and a conspiracy by Patton West to bankrupt him.  Motive?  To stop him sharing details of her criminal past. Patton West’s three identities since 1995.  Devra Ji (1995 to 2005) Surya Ma (2005 to 2010) and Rishi Devra (2011 to Present).  Cult members Geoffrey Reynolds CPA and Julio Williams MD.



Dr. Julio Williams MD.  In January 2007, in a crude and clumsy attempt to intimidate Watson into dropping his lawsuit against Patton West (witness tampering) senior cult member Dr. Julio Williams MD sent a threatening email to Watson in which he promised to give Patton West $2,000,000 of his own money for her defense fund.  You can read the full email by going here.  Below is an excerpt from Williams’ email to Watson. 


The, Devra Patton West,


After Watson won his lawsuit, senior cult member Julio Williams gave $2,000,000 to Patton West so that she could mount multiple frivolous lawsuits against Watson with the intention of bankrupting him.  This is a perfect definition of a criminal conspiracy.  This was done in revenge for Watson taking her to court for fraud and winning, and more importantly, to force Watson’s website down which contained thousands of documents which showed Patton West to be a career criminal. 


Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.  The first thing you need to understand about Geoffrey Reynolds CPA is that he was recruited via ‘Career Opportunity’ in 2006, just as John Watson was in 2002.  Both were recruited as ‘Business Managers’. However, when Watson discovered the massive fraud and criminality being committed by Patton West, he went to the authorities.  In Reynolds’ case, as two emails from Office Manager Rebecca West prove (Email 1 where Reynolds is described as the Finance Controller & Email 2) Reynolds was aware of the crimes being committed right under his nose but chose to join Patton West and become an accomplice in racketeering.  Reynolds readily agreed to be complicit in the murder of the whistleblower, and when that failed, the subsequent conspiracy to bankrupt Watson which involved Reynolds making false statements to a Montana court that netted him a $5,000,000 judgment.  


In August 2007, while being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle newspaper, senior cult member and all around asshole Geoffrey Reynolds CPA admitted ‘on camera’ that he had money laundered $436,000 of the funds Patton West had extorted from Dr. Pat Cole MD.  ‘Off camera’ in what he thought was an ‘off the record’ conversation Reynolds announced that Watson would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Patton West was going to do to him and his family.  Read Rebecca West’s email (above) regarding occult ‘under the radar’ violence which Patton West has used against countless other victims including two of her daughters in law in an attempt to subvert child custody court cases in favor of her son succeeding in one.  Read this for details.


Devra Patton West, The Rishi,

Above: Geoffrey Reynolds also hired as a ‘Business Manager’ in 2006, was quickly duped into loaning Patton West his life savings of $300,000.  Lacking any integrity and not possessing an ounce of decency, Reynolds agreed to money laundering, perjury, criminal conspiracy, complicity to commit murder and the fraudulent application of a $30M grant.


Long story short, after spending millions of dollars on multiple frivolous lawsuits against the whistleblower John Watson, his websites were forced down by an injunction she ‘bought’ with Williams’ money.  This allowed Patton West to reincarnate herself in Arizona (the third western state since 1991) where she is now calling herself the planetary regent ‘Rishi Devra’ and offering ‘divine grace healings’ to terminally ill cancer patients for six figure sums.  Below is an excerpt of a Facebook posting where she offers this service which, because of the strict laws governing lay people offering cures, she has carefully worded the posting.




Below is more evidence of her insanity in the form of a recent statement she made on her Facebook pages and a couple of statements that appeared on her Montana website. 


Rishi Regent of the Great Masters, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, 

Above clockwise from the left:  (1) A posting on Patton West’s Facebook page announcing that she is a planetary regent that has been preparing for thousands of years to guide humanity.  (2) She told her students that the Christ had awarded her two doctorates in person.  (3) She announced in 2007 that she was holding open the gates of time – single handedly!


The above header depicting Patton West with her hand out is from a propaganda piece she posted on her Facebook pages in June of 2018.  Below that on the left (item 1.) is a small image of that posting which you can review full size by going here.  I have numbered below here five idiotic statements that Patton West made in that propaganda piece which are as follows:-


1. As the light that stands behind leaders and world servers from across the globe.

2. She has been prepared for thousands of years to guide humanity through the coming times….

3. As a planetary regent.

4. A conveyor of holiness and spiritual initiation.

5. As an instrument of mercy she offers the phenomena of ‘divine grace healing’ and the ‘karmic resolution’ of divine dispensation.


As stated earlier Patton West is either criminally insane or so sure that the authorities are not going to challenge her lies and propaganda that she has thrown all caution to the wind.  It is clear from the above ‘career opportunities’ that Patton West is repeating the same ‘criminal’ behavior as in Montana (see above) and New Mexico before that.  Clearly she believes that her ability to silence dissent by intimidation and murder will keep her out of a criminal court.


The following links go into detail about Patton West’s criminal business model and senior cult members Williams’ & Reynolds’ role in the attempted murder and criminal conspiracy against John Watson.  Both strangers to Watson but both totally controlled by Patton West.


Patton West.


‘Rishi Devra’ AKA Devra Patton West. Since 1991 Scores of acts of Theft, Fraud, Extortion and, we suspect, Multiple Murders. Her Secret Weapon and her 28 Year Criminal Conspiracy Revealed.


Devra Patton West and accomplices are estimated to have extorted $30 to $50 million from scores of victims in NM, MT & currently AZ with their ‘divine being’ scam.


Rishi Devra - Evidence shows beyond doubt that Devra Patton West has attempted to Subvert Multiple Court cases by Targeting Victims and Witnesses with Violence


Rishi Devra - How Devra West, working with Cult / Gang Members Williams & Reynolds, work to silence Victims and Witnesses of Serious Crime


Dr. Julio Williams MD


Overwhelming Documentary Proof that Dr. Julio E. Williams has funded Organized Crime to the Tune of Millions of Dollars and is a Willing Participant in Racketeering and Murder.


Dr. Julio E Williams MD – Behind the Respectable Public Facade Williams is a 20 year member of a Dangerous Cult and a willing participant in Racketeering, Organized Crime and Murder.


Geoffrey Reynolds CPA

Why would McSwain & Co. accountants continue to employ Geoffrey Reynolds CPA when there is clear evidence of his involvement with organized crime and racketeering between 2006 & 2014?


Reynolds role in Patton West’s conspiracy against John Watson & Dr. Pat Cole MD.  His complicity in the murder of Watson, his false statements to a Montana court and his fencing of millions of dollars of stolen property.


Reynolds is currently masquerading as a CPA working for McSwain & Co. in Olympia Washington.  A couple of years ago we shared Reynolds’ membership of a cult / criminal gang between 2006 & 2014 with McSwain & Co.  Their first response was to sanitize Reynolds’ online resume to remove all mention of his ‘employment’ with the cult / criminal gang between 2006 & 2014 and then later they removed Reynolds’ photograph from their website.  It is not for us to impugn McSwain & Co.’s motives for sanitizing Reynolds’ resume entry on their website, but the result is to hide Reynolds’ criminal past from the public and existing clients.  


Geoffrey Reynolds CPA,

Above left: At first, all mention of Reynolds’ involvement with the cult / criminal gang between 2006 & 2014 was removed from his online resume.  Above right: Then, his resume was reduced still further and his photograph removed.


Geoffrey Reynolds CPA is the hard-nosed gangster in Patton West’s cult.  Reynolds was not fazed by being complicit in a murder plot; he even announced Watson’s murder to the press several days before Patton West’s failed attempt on Watson’s life.  Being a versatile criminal, he took care of the money laundering of $436,000 extorted from Dr. Cole MD, was happy to perjure himself by making totally false statements to a Montana court as part of Patton West’s criminal conspiracy against Watson.  Then, there is the matter of him making a totally fraudulent application (on behalf of Patton West) for $30,000,000 in government grants.  Is it any wonder that when in court in October 2009, Patton West declared, in her statement to the court, that Geoffrey Reynolds was the money man and she let him deal with it all?!


Dr. Julio Williams MD is currently masquerading as a respected physician and thoracic surgeon in a couple of hospitals, chief amongst the Essentia Health’s establishment in Fargo ND. 


Dr. Julio E Williams, Dr. Julio Williams, 

Above: Dr. Julio E Williams MD in his ‘day job’ he masquerades as a respectable physician and thoracic surgeon.  Behind the scenes, and for the last 20 years, he has been a senior member of a Satanist Death cult / Criminal Racketeering Gang. 


If Reynolds was the money man and happy to get his hands dirty with murder, money laundering etc. then Dr. Julio Williams MD was and still is Patton West’s marketing director.  Dr. Julio E Williams has been a 20 year disciple / student at Patton West’s unaccredited school for occult studies for 20 years. Therefore, he has been totally aware of Patton West’s criminality during the past two decades.  As we saw from the evidence above, Williams was very ‘hands on’ in the conspiracy orchestrated by Patton West against John Watson, donating no less than $2,000,000 to her defense fund!  He was also involved in the conspiracy by Patton West that involved fellow physician Dr. Pat Cole MD.  And yet, in spite of the multiple arrest warrants, a conviction for assault, the fact that Patton West was forced to sell all her assets at a Sheriff’s Sale to pay past victims of crime $2,00,000 in court fines and interest, Williams remains an important accomplice of Patton West’s. 


Dr. Julio E Williams, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West,

Above: Dr. Julio Williams seen on bended knee before the leader of his Satanist cult.  Is Williams’ membership of a Satanist cult / criminal gang compatible with a doctor’s oath to ‘do no harm?’  A Satanist by definition is all about harming others.


Clearly, Dr. Julio Williams MD plays a very important part in luring fresh blood into becoming victims of Patton West’s cult / criminal gang.  Clearly, Dr. Julio Williams is not mentally ill; as if he were, he would have been drummed out of the medical profession many years ago.  Which leaves one with the conclusion that he is a willing accomplice in racketeering and murder!  Below are some recent statements that Dr. Julio Williams made on Patton West’s Facebook pages and from Patton West’s website.   

Dr. Julio E Williams, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West,

Above: “Thy humble salutations to thy lotus feet.” Williams is aware of her true criminal nature. How could he not be?  However, being a Satanist cult, the more harm, upset and grief that he and Patton West can cause to others, the more they are happy.


And here…

Dr. Julio E Williams, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West,

Above: Om Shri Rishi Ma Addi Ma Mataji.  Dr. Julio Williams is obviously aware of Patton West’s true biography / life journey having been a key part of her criminality since the year 2000.  Williams is clearly being used by West to suck in spiritual seekers.


And here….

Dr. Julio E Williams, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West,

Above: Mimicking the same propaganda as appears in Patton West’s fake bio / Life story, Williams uses such phrases as “Touched by her grace” and “Our Rishi mother whose wisdom, grace and spiritual mastery etc.”  Is Williams mentally ill or a willing accomplice in a massive deception, a monumental fraud and a senior member of a cult / criminal gang?


In 2014, Dr. Julio Williams MD posted a public appeal on Patton West’s website for funds for the ‘Divine Feminine’ knowing that Patton West had planned to murder fellow physician Dr. Pat Cole MD if she did not pay $1.3 million to Patton West.  He also knew of the vicious assaults by Patton West on Susannah Felder and Beatrice McGuire


Patton West, shamelessly uses Dr. Williams’ perceived respectability as a physician and thoracic surgeon, as demonstrated in a recent posting she made on her Facebook page where she invited attendees to ‘Sacred Sundays with Rishi’ pointing out that these would be held at the home of Dr. Julio Williams MD.  In other words, Dr. Julio Williams MD was on hand to ‘bless’ Patton West’s claims to be able to deliver ‘divine grace healings’ for $500,000 to those who could afford them.

Dr. Julio E Williams, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West,

Above: What could possibly be better for a con artist selling ‘divine grace healings’ for $500,000 a go than to have a tame physician / thoracic surgeon on hand to verify that she is a divine being and therefore, capable of delivering a miracles!  Although Dr. Williams knows that all she will deliver is more organized crime, as was the case in Montana and New Mexico before that.


In conclusion, we have a pathological liar who is armed with a secret weapon, that over the past 28 years, has allowed her to rob, defraud, extort and physically and mentally abuse scores if not hundreds of victims with little risk of being called to account, either in a criminal court or a civil court. 


Devra West, The Rishi,


After she ‘works’ an area out and/or the population becomes aware that the ‘divine being’ routine is a cover for organized crime, she simply moves on to another western state where they either do not understand ‘white collar’ crime, or do not have the resources to prosecute it.  Currently Patton West is masquerading as…


The Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Western Hemisphere.




She has come a long way since she was a pot grower, drug dealer, bankrupt and small time con artist defrauding thousands of dollars from one victim at a time in New Mexico.  Victims like Jeremy Samuelson and Satya.


Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra,


Currently, she is offering the same FAKE ‘career opportunities’ in Arizona, as were offered to scores of victims in Montana.  Victims of theft, fraud, extortion, mental and physical abuse, murder and attempted murder.


The Rishi, Devra Adi Maa, Devra Patton West,


What could possibly go wrong?


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,